“In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future" - Alex Hayley
Family Therapy:
In families, negative patterns can turn into dysfunction if they are repeated for a certain amount of time. Even knowing this, however, it is hard to change these patterns because they are self-reinforcing. One purpose of family therapy is to undo these negative systems and teach more productive and healthy ways of communicating and interacting. Small changes make for big results.
Some reasons to seek family therapy are:
• Anger issues
• Communication
• Recovery
• Blended families
• Divorce
• Parenting
• Stress management
• Decreased intimacy
• Trust
• Addiction
Couples Therapy:
Sometimes couples fall into power struggles that deteriorate communication, intimacy and respect. The purpose of couple’s therapy is to regain the unity and bond of the relationship, improve communication and re-build the bond of love.
Couples’ therapy is a forum in which new communication styles can be learned. Once learned, issues can be processed effectively using this new communication style. Sometimes couples just need to change negative patterns that have arisen and are difficult to break. Others have more challenging issues to work through. Regardless of the issue, marriage is a strong bond, therefore worth trying to improve or save. As in family therapy, small changes can make all the difference in the world; or in your relationship.
Some reasons for couple’s therapy are:
• Improve communication
• Improve intimacy
• Work out difficult issues
• Depression
• Anxiety
• New parents
• Extended family issues
• Increase respect
• Problem solving
Effective Parenting:
Parenting can be difficult for many reasons. Sometimes you need to learn how to manage certain issues better. Your child may have a specific need that you are not equipped to handle, or you just need a little help with a specific problem. By identifying specific parenting goals and getting in touch with our values, we can identify target areas for improvement, practice positive parenting, and re-establish your relationship with your children.
Within this framework, the parent is guided through a step by step process of coping with difficult issues and encouraged by focusing on building strengths.
• Strategies for parenting are learned, and the parent/child dynamic is changed so that the parents and child are on the “same team”.
• Values and motivation become intrinsically driven, not behaviorally or extrinsically motivated.
• Responsibility and resilience are encouraged.
• Respect for self, others, and belongings is gained.
Parents will feel:
More energized and peaceful as they are exerting less energy to constantly correct their children.
More in control, as their kids become more cooperative and the overall dynamic is shifted to a positive and loving one.
Closer and more connected to their children.